UNODC - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Agenda Items:
Preventing drug and human trafficking in Honduras
Addressing the issue of online identity theft globally
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) was established in 1997. Its primary focus is the trafficking and abuse of illicit drugs, crime prevention and criminal justice, international terrorism, and political corruption along with human trafficking.
Although it is found in every nation and region of the world, human trafficking is often an unreported crime. The vulnerability of socially marginalized populations is exploited by traffickers to draw victims for various sorts of exploitation. Honduras is frequently one of the nations from which victims of trafficking are brought up in the Americas as a labour force. The main causes of increased vulnerability to becoming a victim of human trafficking are a lack of employment possibilities, poor levels of education, and violence, among other reasons.
The 2019 Ministerial Declaration welcomed the efforts made by parties to the international drug control conventions to comply with the provisions and ensure the effective implementation of the conventions urging all Member States that had not yet done so to consider taking measures to ratify or accede to those instruments. These conventions have two goals: (1) preventing the abuse of psychoactive substances and (2) ensuring their availability for medical and scientific purposes. Furthermore, the implementation of joint commitments based on the principle of common and shared responsibility is challenged by responses that are not in compliance with the three international drug control agreements and applicable international human rights duties.
Transnational crime is constantly evolving, and so is cybercrime. The growing involvement of organized crime groups adds to the complexity of the crime, which occurs in a borderless environment: online. The fact that cybercrime perpetrators and victims can be found in various locations and that its repercussions can spread throughout society globally highlights the necessity for an immediate, dynamic, and global response. From emptying one’s bank account to taking your tax returns, people all over the world are growing increasingly familiar with the negative effects of identity theft. Sadly, that growth in awareness is likely due in large part to the huge impact it has on everyone regardless of their position in society or nationality.
UNSC - United Nations Security Council
Agenda Items:
The question of the Russia-Ukraine War
Alleviating the ongoing conflict between China and Taiwan
Given the role of guaranteeing and sustaining global peace and security, the United Nations Security Council is regarded as the most influential UN body, as they can authorize the deployment of troops from UN member states, mandate cease-fire, and impose economic sanctions. The UNSC is composed of 15 member states, five of which are permanent member states (P5), and possess the veto power, allowing them to strike out clauses going against their policies. The permanent member states include the United States of America, the United Kingdom, France, the People's Republic of China, and the Russian Federation. The remaining member states individually serve on the council for a two-year term. When each term ends, the United Nations General Assembly holds a referendum to determine the following ten member states to take part in the Security Council.
The delegates in the UNSC are going to look into the most pressing issues which threaten the world’s peace and affect millions of people.
With the Russian - Ukrainian crisis worsening, the UN increased its emergency appeal on April 26 to $2.24 billion. The flash appeal is currently 86% funded. Since the start of the war, the United Nations and its allies have protected and given humanitarian aid to more than 8.1 million people. The military question is closely intertwined with the economical situation in the world.
On the other side of Eurasia, the relations between Taiwan and China appear to have deteriorated sharply in the last few months including the fact that China's military exercises focused on six danger zones around Taiwan, three of which overlap the island's territorial waters. China points to this history to say that Taiwan was originally a Chinese province while the Taiwanese point to the same history to argue that they were never part of the modern Chinese state that was first formed after the revolution in 1911 - or the People's Republic of China that was established under Mao in 1949.
Arab League
Agenda Items:
The role of fossil fuels in the Middle Eastern Economy amid the current climate crisis
Addressing the effect of Western Involvement in Middle-Eastern Affairs
The League of Arab States was founded in 1945 with the goal of improving collaboration between the Arab countries located in the Middle East and Parts of Africa. The organisation primarily focuses on economic growth, cultural, and social aspects but also can address the questions of defence and security in the region. The League renounced violence as a means to stop conflicts between members and empowered its offices to mediate in such disputes, as well as in conflicts involving nonmembers.
Western countries have been heavily involved in Middle-Eastern affairs which lead to various effects and consequences the scale of which are to be carefully considered; negative effects should be mitigated whenever possible while positive influence should be reinforced and put set within a clear programme stretching for years ahead.
The Middle-Eastern region is rich with fossil fuels which not only bring wealth but also become a point of discussion considering the ongoing climate crisis. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and other international bodies have said that to address climate change there should not be new investments in fossil fuel infrastructure and that the fuels, which are mostly responsible for climate change, must phase out over time. Apart from concerns regarding a massive business sector being involved in the question, the technological aspects and readiness should be considered. Yet, many countries in the region have already started their transition to clean energy as a number of the Middle East and North African countries suffer from increasing temperatures.
UNOOSA - United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Agenda Items:
Overcoming the ethical and moral challenges of Mars and outer space exploration.
Assessing the benefits and risks of research and development in the weaponization of space
The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) strives to encourage global collaboration in the peaceful use and exploration of space as well as the application of space science and technology to long-term economic and social progress. By helping to incorporate space capabilities into national development plans, the Office strengthens the capacity of developing nations to use space science technology and applications for development. It offers assistance to any United Nations Member State in establishing legal and regulatory frameworks to govern space activities.
Today, business is an essential partner in achieving the Organization's goals. UNOOSA sees the benefits of partnerships and contributions from industry and the private sector in promoting the benefits derived from the space economy for effectively addressing challenges before humanity. A number of challenges lay in the area of moral and ethical concerns especially when it comes to long-distance and long-term exploration projects. Sustainable Development Goal 16 promotes peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, access to justice for all and effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. Several regions of our planet have enjoyed increased and sustained levels of peace and security in recent decades while others are still working on reaching stability and security. However, with the technological development and advancements in weaponisation and new opportunities of the arms race in outer space, UNOOSA needs to continuously assess the situation as well as to prognosticate possible effects of further research and development regarding the weaponisation of space.
UNHCR - UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Agenda Items:
Assessing the psychological impact of being a refugee
Taking measures regarding refugees displaced due to the environment, disasters and climate change
A global agency called UNHCR, or the UN Refugee Agency, is committed to saving lives, defending rights, and securing a better future for refugees, communities that have been forcibly uprooted, and stateless individuals.
Many refugees have traumatic experiences, which made them relocate first place, and those experiences leave people with multiple psychological effects which affect their quality of life even after reaching a safe and stable position. Addressing high-level PTSD and stress levels associated with culture shock, discrimination, social marginalization and intergenerational conflicts is one of the UNHCR priorities along with finding ways to help in realistic and achievable ways. The causes for relocations are not always related to armed conflicts and at times are due to major environmental shifts, such as climate change and devastating natural disasters. The population of the affected areas is rarely fully prepared for both the disasters themselves, not to mention the need to relocate without prior notice.
Once the new home is found, the long and hard process of adjusting, adaptation and integration takes place. It involves the collaboration of multiple stakeholders and local communities to provide an inclusive, safe and fair environment, especially when the switch from the level of ‘displaced persons’ to ‘displaced peoples’ takes place. By approaching the issue at this level, more global and complex policies need to be in place, strategically developed, professionally applied and carefully applied.
OHCHR - Office Of High Commissioner for Human Rights
Agenda Items:
Tackling the issue of violence against women
The question of Oculocutaneous albinism and witchcraft
The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights (OHCHR) is the leading UN body on human rights; it was founded in December 1993, and operates on an international level to prevent the violation of human rights. OHCHR's primary goal is on advancing all human rights, as outlined in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in addition to overseeing the Human Rights Council in Geneva. Under extreme conditions of violence, war, and insecurity, OHCHR ensures the preservation of human rights.
Millions of women and girls continue to face discrimination and violence, being deprived of their equality, dignity, autonomy, and sometimes even life, despite significant progress achieved in ensuring women's rights throughout the world. The fight for women’s rights still goes on and the delegates are invited to look into possible solutions to address the issue of violence against women, be it physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering.
Our other agenda item focuses on albinism which is a rare, non-contagious hereditary disorder that affects people all over the world and is gravely misunderstood on a social and medical level. People with albinism are often marginalized and socially excluded. In some countries—primarily in some parts of Africa, where people with albinism are hypervisible—the physical appearance of people with albinism has been the object of erroneous beliefs and myths influenced by superstition, witchcraft, or both. Witchcraft-related myths have fostered acute marginalization, social exclusion, and physical attacks. Related harmful practices include accusations of witchcraft, killing, maiming, rape, grave robbery, trafficking in persons, and trafficking in body parts. Women and children with albinism are particularly vulnerable to violence, including sexual violence, which is often driven by harmful myths about, and fetishization of, albinism. Despite these severe forms of persecution and discrimination, people with albinism are often denied justice and face barriers to accessing effective remedies for human rights violations.
WHO - World Health Organization (First-Timer Committee)
Agenda Items:
Reducing inequalities within global healthcare systems
Ensuring human rights within contraceptive programmes: guaranteeing access to emergency contraceptives, controlling their provision and usage
WHO, established in 1948, is an organization of the United Nations that links countries, partners, and individuals to advance health, ensure global security, and assist the most vulnerable people so that everyone can enjoy the best possible level of health.
In the modern world, not everyone is entitled to access even basic medical services. Solving the problem of inequality requires developing multi-sector policies which include economic, social, technological, ethical and cultural aspects.
The uneven distribution of medical services was clearly seen when the Covid-19 pandemic took over the world. When the first-world countries had available, even though at times limited, resources to support the population, the third-world countries struggled and had different aftermath of the pandemic. Now, when it is clear that humanity might encounter another disease at any time, prevention plays a key role. The global community should develop a clear programme to minimise the possibility of an endemic and ways to prevent it from spreading further.
On the same page with the questions of inequality, access to emergency contraceptives cannot be left aside. The ability of women to choose whether or not to reproduce, to have access to full and accurate information, and to choose their preferred method of contraception (and when to use it) is fundamental to the life and health of women and their families. Still, many are unable to exercise their right to access the contraceptive method they wish and end up having more children than they intend. Unintended pregnancies threaten the lives and well-being of women and adolescent girls by harming their health and undermining their opportunities to create a better life for themselves and their families, resulting in economic hardship. Even though it is a basic human right, the uneven distribution of contraception items, medicine, information and guidance is obvious; moreover, it is still a taboo subject in many societies which hinders the execution of already available programmes.